Sub-daily data#
NeuralProphet can make forecasts for time series with sub-daily observations by passing in a dataframe with timestamps in the ds column. The format of the timestamps should be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
- see the example csv here. When sub-daily data are used, daily seasonality will automatically be fit.
Here we fit NeuralProphet to data with 5-minute resolution (daily temperatures at Yosemite).
if "google.colab" in str(get_ipython()):
# uninstall preinstalled packages from Colab to avoid conflicts
!pip uninstall -y torch notebook notebook_shim tensorflow tensorflow-datasets prophet torchaudio torchdata torchtext torchvision
!pip install git+ # may take a while
#!pip install neuralprophet # much faster, but may not have the latest upgrades/bugfixes
import pandas as pd
from neuralprophet import NeuralProphet, set_log_level
data_location = ""
df = pd.read_csv(data_location + "yosemite_temps.csv")
Now we will attempt to forecast the next 7 days. The 5min
data resulution means that we have 60/5*24=288
daily values. Thus, we want to forecast 7*288
periods ahead.
Using some common sense, we set: * First, we disable weekly seasonality, as nature does not follow the human week’s calendar. * Second, we disable changepoints, as the dataset only contains two months of data
m = NeuralProphet(
metrics =, freq="5min")
future = m.make_future_dataframe(df, periods=7 * 288, n_historic_predictions=True)
forecast = m.predict(future)
The daily seasonality seems to make sense, when we account for the time being recorded in GMT, while Yosemite local time is GMT-8.
Improving trend and seasonality#
As we have 288
daily values recorded, we can increase the flexibility of daily_seasonality
, without danger of overfitting.
Further, we may want to re-visit our decision to disable changepoints, as the data clearly shows changes in trend, as is typical with the weather. We make the following changes: * increase the changepoints_range
, as the we are doing a short-term prediction * inrease the n_changepoints
to allow to fit to the sudden changes in trend * carefully regularize the trend changepoints by setting trend_reg
in order to avoid overfitting
m = NeuralProphet(
metrics =, freq="5min")
future = m.make_future_dataframe(df, periods=60 // 5 * 24 * 7, n_historic_predictions=True)
forecast = m.predict(future)